First we need a local copy of the Headroom.js script which you can download from the plugin website or from the Github repo. I’m using the minified version but they both contain the same exact code. Now the initial setup requires a fixed header bar which stays on top of the page using basic CSS properties. Then within the page body I have two primary sections. The first is a large navigation bar with an internal wrapper for the content. The page content s broken into another div using the same wrapper class. This allows everything to be responsive and resize based on the browser width. . Then within the page body I have two primary sections. The first is a large navigation bar with an internal wrapper for the content. The page content s broken into another div using the same wrapper class. This allows everything to be responsive and resize based on the browser width. First we need a local copy of the Headroom.js script which you can download from the plugin website or from the Github repo. I’m using the minified version but they both contain the same exact code. Now the initial setup requires a fixed header bar which stays on top of the page using basic CSS properties